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We’re Ray & Sam. We document our authentic travel experiences and itineraries (along with tunes to jam to along the way) so you can plan your perfect adventures. Happy travels!

4 Things to Know Before You Hike New Zealand's Tongariro Alpine Crossing

4 Things to Know Before You Hike New Zealand's Tongariro Alpine Crossing

Because one of us (ahem, Ray) is a huge Lord of the Rings fan, we made sure to incorporate some of the bigger LOTR sites into our three-week New Zealand itinerary, including Hobbiton, a few of the filming locations around Queenstown, and Mt. Ngauruhoe...aka Mt. Doom.

The view of Mt. Doom is best experienced as part of the 12-mile Tongariro Alpine Crossing. This hike runs through an active volcanic region in Tongariro National Park, and includes views of many other spectacular sites along with the peak. It’s located a short bus trip outside of Taupo, and is a popular destination for LOTR-lovers and nature enthusiasts alike.

Here are four things to know before you embark on one of New Zealand’s greatest day hikes, the Tongariro Alpine Crossing.

1. Book your shuttle a couple days in advance.

Due to parking restrictions on both ends of the trek, the easiest way to get to the starting point is by taking a shuttle from town. We arrived in Taupo in the late afternoon and wanted to book our Tongariro Alpine trek for the next day, but found that all of the shuttle companies had already closed by the time we called. Luckily, we found one company that still had someone in the office, but it would have saved some stress if we had called and booked further in advance.

First few steps of the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. Gorgeous sunrise over “Mt. Doom.”

First few steps of the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. Gorgeous sunrise over “Mt. Doom.”

2. Preparation is key.

The Tongariro Alpine Crossing official site warns of steep climbs and unpredictable weather. Being experienced hikers, we tend to take these warnings with a grain of salt, and found that in some ways we were ready for everything Tongariro threw our way, but in others we wish we had been more prepared. If you follow the three notes below, you should be completely set to take on the 12 miles and 2,500 feet of elevation gain.

  • Layers: As with any alpine environment, the weather really can change quickly. Luckily, we wore warm clothes, water and windproof jackets, hats, and gloves that we could easily remove during the warmer parts of the hike and layer on at the top. Be sure to research the weather the day of your hike and bring the appropriate clothing. It never hurts to overpack on light layers!

  • Proper Footwear: Hiking boots will make for an easier time.  At one point on the trek, the descent from Red Crater is comprised entirely of loose lava rock underfoot. We hadn’t packed hiking boots or shoes with great traction, which made for slow going and a lot of slipping and sliding. Keep this in mind when planning which footwear to bring and you should be good to go.

  • Food & Water: An obvious one, but still worth mentioning. The hike takes 6-8 hours, so make sure you bring enough food and water to get you through the day. We were good on the water front (surprisingly — Ray often seems to subsist on hikes with zero hydration), but went through all of our snacks pretty quickly and were jealous when we saw others who packed lunches to eat at the final shelter site along the descent.

Ray acting out all of his fave LOTR scenes on the trail.

Ray acting out all of his fave LOTR scenes on the trail.

3. Plan to experience a wide range of environments.

We were excited to see the volcanic peaks and alpine lakes, but had no idea how many drastically different landscapes the Tongariro Alpine Crossing is known for. The track starts out with a striking view of Mt. Ngauruhoe rising up over the Mangatepopo Valley as you zig zag through grasslands full of wildflowers -- perfect for those iconic Mt. Doom photos.

Then comes the ascent up flights of wooden steps to the lower slopes of the mountain. You get a break from the climb as you reach South Crater, which gave off Mars / Bladerunner vibes the day we trekked through it — one of the most eerie and unexpected parts of our journey.

South Crater or Life on Mars?

South Crater or Life on Mars?

After another ascent out of South Crater, you’ll get views of Red Crater’s iron-rich red sand, followed by the bright turquoise, mineral-filled waters of Blue Lake and the Emerald Lakes.

Crystal blue and green alpine lakes.

Crystal blue and green alpine lakes.

In good weather, the descent down the other side of the range is complete with vast views over Mt. Pihanga, Lake Rotoaira, and across to Lake Taupo, before you eventually descend into a rainforest-like landscape as you near Ketetahi Car Park, your final destination.

The Tongariro Alpine Crossing doesn’t disappoint when it comes to dramatic and ever-changing scenery, part of the reason it’s considered one of New Zealand’s top day hikes.

4. Recognize that you might not see everything you want to see.

Inclement weather is a possibility, no matter what time of year you’re doing the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. What started out as a sunny morning for us turned into high winds and thick fog as we reached the top of the climb, and this was in late summer. As we neared the Emerald Lakes and Blue Lake, it seemed we wouldn’t be able to see them due to the fog, and Sam was feeling crushed since she was most excited to see the lakes and take photos of them! Luckily, the fog blew off the lakes just as we reached them, and actually made for some pretty sweet photos in the end.

Blue Lake shrouded in fog.

Blue Lake shrouded in fog.

We may have lucked out in that moment, and it’s important to recognize going in that weather conditions can change rapidly, and you may not get a clear view of all the amazing sites along the trek. In the end, the limited chance that you will see everything makes it even more of an exciting adventure.

With these four quick tips in mind, you’re ready to take on the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. Hope you have as exciting an experience as we did!

Questions about the Tongariro Alpine Crossing? Leave a comment below or on our latest instagram post!

Happy travels!

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